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[Career Development Center] SAP AppHaus Christopher Han Special Lecture [Career Development Center] SAP AppHaus Christopher Han Special Lecture Nov 18, 2020(Wed)SNU Career Development Center holds a special lecture with the head of SAP AppHaus Asia. AI Lunch Talk with Dr. Yoon Kim, SKT CTO (former Apple Siri Manager) AI Lunch Talk with Dr. Yoon Kim, SKT CTO (former Apple Siri Manager) Nov 12, 2020(Thu)AI Institute (AIIS) resumed 'AI Lunch Talk' from this month. The first guest is Dr. Yoon Kim, the Chief Technology Officer of SK Telecom who is better known as the chief developer of Apple Siri. [SNU Institute of Sport Science] 2020 GLOBAL SPORT SCIENCE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE [SNU Institute of Sport Science] 2020 GLOBAL SPORT SCIENCE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Nov 13, 2020(Fri)SNU Institute of Sport Science holds '2020 GLOBAL SPORT SCIENCE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE'. [SNUAC] Asian Futures Seminar Series 'Asia, the west, and Postcolonial Visions of the Future' [SNUAC] Asian Futures Seminar Series 'Asia, the west, and Postcolonial Visions of the Future' Nov 06, 2020(Fri)SNUAC holds 'Asia, the West, and Postcolonial Visions of the Future' seminar. [ICC] 〈From Failure to Refusing Mainstream〉 colloquium information Nov 03, 2020(Tue)At 2020.11.3.(Tues) SNU ICC holds colloquium on the subject of "From Failure to Refusing Mainstream". [SNU DAAE LECTURE SERIES 2020] Kai-Uwe Bergmann; Formgiving [SNU DAAE LECTURE SERIES 2020] Kai-Uwe Bergmann; Formgiving Oct 29, 2020(Thu)SNU DAAE holds "Formgiving: Giving Form to the Future" lecture of Kai-Uwe Bergmann, fellow member FAIA and Partner at BIG. [ADI] South Korea's Capitalism in the Post-Corona Era [ADI] South Korea's Capitalism in the Post-Corona Era Oct 29, 2020(Thu)ADI holds "South Korea's Capitalism in the Post-Corona Era" Colloquium. The colloquium will be held both online(Webex) and offline. All Day AI Webinar All Day AI Webinar Oct 21, 2020(Wed)​The Center for Human-AI Interaction is holding an all day conference on October 21, 2020. Nine professors in HCI (human-computer interaction) give speech for all day from 10 am to 3:30 pm. The lecture will be streamed online via Zoom. [SNUICR] International Symposium Misinformation Across Borders and Contexts [SNUICR] International Symposium Misinformation Across Borders and Contexts Oct 13, 2020(Tue) - Oct 26, 2020(Mon)Institute of Communication Research(ICR) at Seoul National University holds the international Symposium "Misinformation Across Borders and Contexts". [SNUDAAE] Masoud Akbarzadeh Special Lecture [SNUDAAE] Masoud Akbarzadeh Special Lecture Oct 16, 2020(Fri)SNUDAAE is streaming "Masoud Akbarzadeh Special Lecture" through YouTube live. [SNU Public Interest & Legal Clinic Center] Current Situation of Clinical Legal Education in Asia and its Development [SNU Public Interest & Legal Clinic Center] Current Situation of Clinical Legal Education in Asia and its Development Oct 16, 2020(Fri)SNU Public Interest & Legal Clinic Center is holding an international conference "Current Situation of Clinical Legal Education in Asia and its Development". AI Colloquium: Privacy Preserving Data Analysis and Homomorphic Encryption AI Colloquium: Privacy Preserving Data Analysis and Homomorphic Encryption Nov 26, 2020(Thu)SNU AI Institute is holding AI Colloquium for 2020 Fall from September to November.