Academics / Academic Resources

Domestic Exchange

Academic Resources /

Domestic Exchange

Academic Curriculum

The domestic student exchange program aims to promote academic diversity by enabling students to take courses provided by other exchange partner universities for credit. As of June 2020, SNU has partnered with 46 universities across the country.


Applicant Qualifications

Students who have a clean record (no violation of school regulations) with a GPA of over 2.7 for undergraduates and 3.3 for graduates are eligible to apply.

Application Procedures

Students should submit the application form and other documents required by the university of their choice to the department head, who will then hand them over to the dean.
Specific information is posted every semester on the student notice board.

Credit Recognition and Exchange Duration

For regular semesters, undergraduates can take up to 18 credits and graduates can take up to 12. Enrollment is limited to 9 credits for summer sessions and 6 for winter sessions. The sum of credits registered at SNU and the domestic exchange partner cannot exceed the maximum number of credits that the student can register at SNU.
The total number of credits acquired from the domestic exchange partner should be less than half of what is required for graduation.
Exchange duration is limited to 4 regular semesters for undergraduates, 2 for masters and Ph.D. students and 4 for combined M.S./Ph.D. students. There is no such limit for summer or winter sessions.

Credit Recognition

Credits that students receive from the exchange partner university will appear on their academic record, but they will not be averaged into their final GPA unless the students are part of collaborative degree programs.

Course Enrollment and Cancellation

For regular semesters, students pay tuition to SNU. For summer or winter sessions, students pay tuition to the exchange partner university.
In order to cancel enrollment in exchange partner university, students should submit the cancellation form within the quarter of the semester.


Applicant Qualifications and Application Procedures

Students who wish to study at SNU should have received approval from the president of their home universities. Presidents of the exchange partner universities should report the list of eligible students and their application forms to SNU president one month before the start of the semester of exchange.
SNU president should review the applications forms and report the selection results two weeks before the beginning of the semester.

Selection Limit

For regular semesters, the number of domestic exchange students from partner universities should be less than 10% of the number of freshmen of that year. Selection limit for summer or winter sessions may vary.

Course Enrollment and Cancellation

For regular semesters, students pay tuition to their home universities. SNU may ask for payment for usage of certain facilities and equipment if considered necessary.
For summer or winter sessions, students pay tuition to SNU.
In order to cancel enrollment in SNU, exchange students should submit the cancellation form to and obtain approval from their home universities.

Course Registration Procedures

Exchange students should follow SNU regulations for course registrations, changes and withdraws.
Exchange students should enroll online at ( using their temporary SNU student ID.

※ Only SNU students can register during the first and second days of the registration period.

※ If you wish to take graduate courses as an undergraduate, you should obtain approval from the professor of that course.

※ Upon approval from the department, you may submit override forms for courses that are already filled.

Course Changes and Withdraw

My SNU → Academic Affairs → Class/Grade → Course Drop
Print the cancellation form, obtain signature from the course instructor, and submit the cancellation form to the assigned department office.

※ Report to the home university of any changes during the exchange period

Cancellation of Enrollment

SNU may cancel the enrollment of students who have violated SNU regulations.

Credit Recognition

SNU should report the credit that the exchange student has earned within two weeks of the end of the exchange period to the president of the student’s home university.
The credit earned from SNU will appear on the student’s academic record.


Student ID
  • Exchange students may obtain SNU student ID from (building #67, 2nd floor) and use it for entrance to various facilities in SNU
  • ※ For any questions, contact the Division of Educational Affairs at 82-2-880-5062


List of Domestic Exchange Partner Universities

Academy of Korean StudiesAjou UniversityChangwon National University
Chonbuk National UniversityChonnam National UniversityChung-Ang University
Chungbuk National UniversityChungnam National UniversityDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology
Dongguk UniversityEwha Woman’s UniversityGachon University
Gyeongsang National UniversityHankuk University of Foreign StudiesHanyang University
Hongik UniversityInha UniversityInje University
Jeju National UniversityKangwon National UniversityKeimyung University
Kongju National UniversityKonkuk UniversityKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Korea Aero Space UniversityKorea Military AcademyKorea National Defense University
Korea National Police UniversityKorea National University of EducationKorea University(Graduate School)
Kumoh National Institute Of TechnologyKyung Hee UniversityKyungpook National University
Myongji UniversityPohang University of Science and TechnologyPukyong National University
Pusan National UniversitySejong UniversitySogang University
Sookmyung Women’s UniversitySunchon National UniversitySungkyunkwan University
UNISTUniversity of Science and TechnologyUniversity of Ulsan
Yonsei University

Last updated in 2024