

SNU’s 66th Graduation Ceremony

66th graduation ceremony

SNU performed its 66th graduation ceremony on August 29 at the Gymnasium. A total of 2,468 undergraduate and graduate degrees – 901 undergraduates, 1,081 Masters and 486 Ph. D.s - were awarded.

KIM Jong-Hun, President of Bell Lab and Chief Strategy Officer of global communication company Alcatel-Lucent, was invited to deliver the commencement address.

In his speech Kim stressed the importance of learning capacity and full commitment to achieve success and happiness.

He said to SNU graduates, however rigorously they pursued degree, ‘the sobering truth’ is that “In today’s technology driven world, your future success depends not so much on what you have learned so far, but much more on your capacity to learn new things quickly”. He also mentioned that students should ‘commit whole self’ to achieve their goals.

A graduating student’s speech was followed. Shin Sun-Ho (entering class of ‘05) spoke to his fellows to remember the responsibility as SNU graduates.

An honorary diploma was awarded to late Kim Hyoung-Kab (1930~1993) who had entered SNU’s College of Engineering in 1949 but couldn’t get graduated because of Korean War.

* President KIM Jong-Hun’s full speech is attached.

Written by MOON Junsang, SNU English Editor,
Reviewed by Eli Park Sorensen, SNU Professor of Liberal Studies