SNU NOW / Notice

SNU Notice

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SNU Notice

Physical Education Class- Applying for the S/U system

Starting from this semester (Spring 2008), a new grading system – S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) – will be introduced into all physical education classes. Students currently taking P.E. classes will have the opportunity to select either the previous alphabetical grading system or the newly introduced S/U grading system. Those who wish to apply for this new system may do so at the SNU portal site as indicated in the instructions below.

The application period for the S/U system is from Monday, April 28th to Friday, May 2nd. Alterations can be made during this period ONLY.

○ Instructions for altering the grading system at the SNU portal

1. Log on to the SNU portal (

2. Click “학사행정” (tab ①) which means “Academic Administration”.

3. From the left hand side menu, click in the following order:

 “수업관리” (Class Management)
 “수강정보” (Class Information)
 “성적평가방법 변경신청” (Applying for Grading System Alteration – tab ②) 

4. The screen will show classes which are available for grading system alteration. To alter the grading system, click on the “변경” (alteration) button.

5. If the alteration has made successfully, a pop-up box will appear as shown above.

6. The grading system altered from “등급성적” (A/F) to “급락성적” (S/U) will be visible as shown above.

7. After the designated application period, the grading system is checkable at the “수강신청내역” (Class Registration History), the 3rd subcategory of “수강정보” mentioned above in step 3.