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Concert for Foreigners: The Garden in Early Summer

Jun 21, 2008

The Korea Foundation invites foreigners residing in Korea to an annual concert, “The Garden in Early Summer,” in the courtyard of the Seoul Museum of History on Saturday, June 21, 2008 at 7 p.m.

The concert features famous Korean fusion folk musician Chungeun Han and his band, who will present Korean classical music arranged into jazz and play standard jazz numbers with Korean traditional musical instruments. Well-known pieces like ‘Over the Rainbow’ and ‘Mo Better Blues’ are included in the program.

You will be in for a wonderful evening of early summer musical entertainment with this innovative daegeum player who is expanding his music repertoire by working on various projects like fusion music and original soundtracks, accompanied by his band playing various musical instruments.

These concerts have been held annually by the Korea Foundation since 2003 to enable foreigners to gain a better understanding of Korean culture. Only those who make reservations in advance can gain admission to the concert, so if you wish to attend, please ensure that you reserve your place by sending us an e-mail ( or 02-3789-5602) by no later than Friday, June 13.


1-1. Over the Rainbow • 오버 더 레인보우

1-2. Mo’ better blues • 모 베터 블루스

1-3. Arirang • 아리랑

2. Cheongseongjajinhanip • 청성곡(청성자진한잎)

3-1. Take Five • 테이크 파이브

3-2. Gangwondo arirang • 강원도 아리랑

4. Wandering wind • 어딘가로 부는 바람

5. Poppy • 양귀비꽃

6. Morning • 아침

7-1. Flying Dream • 플라잉 드림

7-2. Blue Bossa • 블루 보사

7-3. Sanjo • 산조