The Institute for French Studies has invited Professor Met from University of Pennsylvania. Professor Met graduated from Ecole pratique des hautes etudes de Paris, Universite de la Sorbonne, Ecole normale superieure de Paris, and received his degree in USA. He has actively researched French modern poetry, novels, films and cartoons, publishing five independently written books, twenty co-written books and over thirty research papers. <Formules de la poesie. Etudes sur Ponge, Leiris, Char et Du Bouchet>, which was published by one of the best French publisher, Presses universitaire de France in 1999 is known as excellent bibliography to French modern poetry researchers. All who are interested in French culture are invited to participate in this great opportunity. The lecture will be conducted in French. For more information, contact the Institute for French Studies at 880-6115.
<1st Lecture>
ㆍ Date: Thursday, October 2nd, 16:00~18:00
ㆍ Place: Sinyang Humanities Hall, Room #309
ㆍ Theme: Fausses notes: Pour une poetique du carnet
(French modern poetry research through Fausses notes )
<2nd Lecture>
ㆍ Date: Tuesday, October 7th, 13:00~14:30
ㆍ Place: College of Humanities bldg #5, Room #206
ㆍ Theme: Le don de la parole dans les Aventures de Tintin
(Language issue in「LES AVENTURES DE TINTIN」)