The HK Civilization Research Project has invited Sekio Shiro(關尾 史郞), professor from Niigata(新潟) University to give a lecture on “Ancient East Asia Area Study.” Professor Shiro is an expert on ancient and medieval Chinese history, especially on the relational history of China and nomadic tribes of the outskirts. He has mainly researched Dunhuang(敦煌) and Turpan(吐魯番) documents which were found in China’s north-western border area. The lecture will be conducted in Japanese, with Korean interpretation. All who are interested are invited to participate in this great opportunity.
○ Lecturer: Sekio Shiro (關尾 史郞) (Niigata新潟 University, Chinese ancient and medieval history)
○ Date: Monday, September 29th 4:00 p.m.
○ Place: Sinyang Humanities Hall, Room #302
○ Theme: Ancient East Asia Area Study
○ Language: Japanese (with Korean Translation)
Renowned Foreign Scholar Lecture Series
HK Civilization Research Project
Institute of Humanities