Lecture Theme:"Hutt: A Psychological Place"
Lecturer: Gilles A. Tiberghien (Professor, University Paris-I Sorbonne)
Date: July 15th 5 P.M. 2008
Location: Seoul National University, Graduate School of Environmental Studies (Bldg. 82, Rm. 103)
Lecture Summary:
Hutt, in occidental tradition, is said to be the beginning of architecture. This idea comes from Vitruve and continues to Laugier and some others. However, I think the hutt has nothing to do with architecture or at the most, very few.
Built with founded materials or natural elements, their construction follows no plan and has more to do with bricolage than what we call a ‘project’. They have also more to do with a psychological place than with a real physical one. Freud and Winnicot give us some insights on that point. The game characterized with this place and is linked to the childhood of every person as well as of mankind
We do not dwell in a hutt; we only stop to pass through, although H.D. Thoreau, the American writer and philosopher, among others, tried to live there for two years near Walden Pound. The difference between inside and outside, upper and under, do not really exist in this type of construction and this has many cons on our ‘being in the world’.
These are the lines I would like to develop in this conference, with images showing real or false hutts and trying also to understand how artists, in making hutts or objects that look like hutts, are questioning the world we inhabit.
Lecturer Profile
- Professor at University Paris-I Sorbonne (Aesthetics)
- Committee member of the Les Cahiers du Musee National d`Art Moderne(Pompidou Center)
- Committee member of the Les Carnets du Paysage(Actes-sud)
- Writings:
Land Art, ed Carre 1993, NY: Princeton architectural Press, 1995.
Land Art Travelling, ERBA, Valence, 1996.
Le Principe de l`axolotl & supplements, Actes Sud, 1998.
Nature, Art, Paysage, Actes- sud 2001, Notes sur la Nature, la Cabane et quelques autres choses, Le Felin, 2005.
Finis Terrae, Imaginaire et imaginations cartographique, Bayard, 2007
*The lecture will be delivered in English.
*Everyone interested in the lecture can participate. Thank you.