The Institute of Unification Studies is presenting a special lecture by Johan Galtung, one of the principal founders of the discipline of peace and conflict studies. Please come and join us in this special event.
Topics: Theories and Methods of Peace Research and Korean Unification in the Global Era
Lecturer: Johan Galtung
Date: March 18, 2008 (Tuesday) 14:00 ~ 16:00
Location: Faculty Conference Room at College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University
(Build.16, # 312)
Lecturer Profile
○ Born October 24, 1930, in Oslo, Norway
○ Sociologist; International Peace Researcher and Activist for Peace
○ Former professor at Columbia University, Princeton University and University of Hawaii among others
○ Currently, professor at the European Peace University and Ritsumeikan University, Japan
○ Currently, academic committee member of the Swiss Academy of Development
○ Currently, Founder and Director of TRANSCEND Peace University
○ Publications: Essays in Peace Research (6 total), Theories and Methods of Social Research, Peace by Peaceful Means, and over 100 books
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Special Lecture by Johan Galtung
Mar 18, 2008