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Recruitment for the 24th Generation of Student Social Contribution Corps (Deadline: March 2)

Feb 17, 2025 - Mar 02, 2025

Recruitment for the 24th Generation of the SNU Student Social Contribution Corps

Hello, this is the Seoul National University Student Social Contribution Corps (SCSR).

As the spring semester begins, we are recruiting new members for the 24th cohort of the Student Social Contribution Corps!

1. What is the SNU Student Social Contribution Corps?

The SNU Student Social Contribution Corps is an official student organization under the SNU Global Social Responsibility Institute. Our goal is to foster a culture of voluntary social contribution by allowing students to plan and implement their own social contribution projects.

2. What activities do we do?

Each semester, the SCSR plans new projects and carries them out over the course of the semester.

Last semester, under the theme “Flashlight,” we focused on discovering and highlighting marginalized individuals and social issues that have been overlooked. Six teams—또한번꿈꾸는거북이 (Another Dreaming Turtle), 비움과채움 (Empty and Fill), 북소리 (Book Sound), 아삭아삭 (Crisp), 배프 (BFF) Long-Term Project, and 컬러풀리 (Colorfully) Long-Term Project—worked on projects aimed at positively reshaping perceptions of social blind spots.

This semester, under the theme “MaJuBom” ("Facing Together"), we aim to move from simply “observing” the world to understanding and empathizing with one another.

Our five teams will work on projects that go beyond just looking at social issues—they will create moments of genuine connection and collective change.

Current Projects

  1. “Home Sweet Home” – Creative expression activities and storybook production with children in group homes
  2. “BaGgum” – Career exploration and awareness improvement for out-of-school youth
  3. “DaOnGil” – Social connection and emotional healing for children with pediatric cancer
  4. “DaDaIkSeon” – Promotion of reusable container culture and upcycling education
  5. “ModuE” – Enhancing accessibility in daily life and cultural spaces for individuals with visual or mobility impairments

3. Who Can Apply?

Any undergraduate or graduate student at SNU who is passionate about social contribution!

4. Recruitment Schedule

Date Process Notes
Feb. 17 (Mon) – Mar. 2 (Sun) Application Submission Deadline: 23:59
Mar. 5 (Wed) Announcement of Document Screening Results Individual Notification
Mar. 6 (Thu) – Mar. 7 (Fri) Interviews In-person
Mar. 8 (Sat) Final Acceptance Announcement Individual Notification
Mar. 10 (Mon) 18:00 Orientation & Training Session In-person / Mandatory

5. How to Apply

  1. Visit the SNU Global Social Responsibility Institute website (
  2. Download the application form from the announcements section.
  3. Submit the completed form via email to

6. Inquiries

7. Additional Information

  • Participants will receive a 1365 Volunteer Activity Certificate (for certified activities).
  • A completion certificate will be issued to those who meet the program requirements.

For more details on our past activities, visit our Instagram (@snu_scsr_) or the SNU Global Social Responsibility Institute website ( under [사업 소개 – 학생사회공헌단] or [공지 및 소식 – 공헌단 소식].

We look forward to facing the world together with you!