We are pleased to invite you to the 159th BK21 Colloquium, scheduled as follows. Your interest and participation are greatly appreciated.
- Date: Monday, December 16, 2024, 5:00 PM
- Venue: Room 113, Graduate School of Environmental Studies (Building 82), Seoul National University, and online via Zoom: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/89401130124
- Organizers: Environmental Energy Laboratory, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, BK21 Program for Sustainable Urban Innovation in the Era of Transition, Energy Transition Forum
- Moderator: Professor Yoon Soon-jin, Department of Environmental Management
- Speaker/Affiliation: Dr. Jung Hyun-wook, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Maritime Institute (KMI)
- Lecture Topic: Taiwan's Offshore Wind Power Policy: Implementation Process and Characteristics
- Contact: Program Assistant (seunlee@snu.ac.kr)
We look forward to your participation.