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The 247th Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophical Studies

Oct 23, 2024


We are pleased to inform you about the 247th Colloquium organized by the Institute of Philosophical Studies at Seoul National University. This event will feature a lecture by Professor Lee Byung-uk from the University of Toronto, and we invite those who are interested to attend.

  • Date and Time: Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Location: Building 6, Room 403, College of Humanities (Institute of Philosophical Studies)
  • Speaker: Lee Byung-uk (University of Toronto)
  • Topic: "Semantic Relationism and Intentional Identity: An Analysis of Hob-Nob"

Lecture Abstract: In this talk, I will present an analysis of Geach (1967)’s Hob-Nob sentence: (HB) Hob thinks a witch has blighted Bob’s mare, and Nob wonders whether she (the same witch) killed Cob’s sow. Most analyses (e.g., Salmon 2005, Priest 2016) assume the existence of non-existent or mythical objects. I will argue that such analyses have serious problems and offer an analysis based on semantic relationism (Fine 2007) that does not require any such object.

Speaker Introduction: Professor Lee Byung-uk is actively engaged in research in the areas of philosophy of language, logic, and metaphysics, with influential views on plural logic. His notable works include “Categorical Propositions and Existential Import: A Post-modern Perspective” (History and Philosophy of Logic, 42 (4): 307-373, 2021), “Is Composition Identity?” (Synthese, 198 (Suppl 18): 4467-4501, 2018), “The Logic and Meaning of Plurals, Part I” (Journal of Philosophical Logic, 34 (5-6): 459-506, 2005), “The Logic and Meaning of Plurals, Part II” (Journal of Philosophical Logic, 35 (3): 239-288, 2006), “Is Two a Property?” (Journal of Philosophy, 96 (4): 163-190, 1999), “Is Mereology Ontologically Innocent?” (Philosophical Studies, 93 (2): 141-160, 1999), among many others.