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2024 4th Central Library Research Capacity Enhancement Workshop

Oct 11, 2024

**4th Central Library Research Capacity Enhancement Workshop**

We are pleased to announce that the 4th Central Library Research Capacity Enhancement Workshop will be held in collaboration with IEEE, the world’s largest publisher. We invite you to participate and gain valuable insights and information regarding authors’ rights and open access.

**Details of the Workshop:**
- **Date and Time:** October 11, 2024 (Friday), 14:00 - 15:30
- **Location:** Yangduseok Hall, 3rd Floor, Kwanjeong Library
- **Content:** IEEE Authorship and Open Access Symposium  
  - Tips for manuscript submission directly from IEEE editors  
  - Introduction to publishing best practices and open access submission methods

**Participation Method:**  
- Online pre-registration (mandatory) is required, followed by seating in the training hall or accessing the training link on the day of the event.

  *Live online broadcasting will be available, and a recorded video will be provided to all pre-registered participants.*

- Choi Wan (Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Executive Editor Chair for IEEE)  
- Alex Liu Yupeng (IEEE Client Services Manager)  
- Richard Chandra (IEEE International Area Manager)  
- Ira Tan (IEEE Regional Manager for APAC)

**Contact for Inquiries:**  
Academic Research Support Services: 02-880-5300,