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Phenomenalism as a Worldview of Asian Modernity: Formation and Diffusion

Sep 27, 2024

The modern nations of East Asia did not simply adopt the contemporary worldview of the West. Just as the West needed a new worldview to reflect the changes brought by the emergence of science, East Asians also needed a worldview that could reflect their realities and offer a vision for the future, distinct from that of the West. The concept of "Phenomenalism" (現象即実在論), developed primarily through the Department of Philosophy at the University of Tokyo, encapsulated Japan's desire for independence and its ambition to rise on the global stage. Almost simultaneously, "Phenomenalism" spread to China and Korea, where each country adapted it to suit their realities and foster hope for their futures. This academic conference focuses on forming and disseminating modern worldviews in East Asia, specifically around the year 1900.

  • Date: September 27, 2024 (Fri) 13:00-18:15
  •  Venue: Room 504, Building 137-2, Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University  
  • Hosted by: Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University / SNU Foundation for the Future of Basic Humanities Studies