The Institute of New Media and Communications is holding a new colloquium series on topic "Shannon Meets Turing". This colloquium will discuss specific topics regarding the studies of Claude E. Shannon and Alan Turing.
- Webinar Link:
- YouTube Link (Channel : sharing_colloquium):
- Program:
- May 14th (Fri.) 13:00: "Trustworthy and Scalable Federated Learning"
- 5월 21일 (금) 14:00: "Monte Carlo Decoding for Randomized Likelihood Decoding"
- 5월 24일 (월) 11:00: "Information Theory and Coding for Trustworthy and Scalable Machine Learning"
- 5월 28일 (금) 14:00: "Byzantine Consensus Through the Lens of Information Theory"
- 5월 31일 (월) 11:00: "Deep Generative Models and Inverse Problems"
※ Please refer to the files attached below for further information.