

Biannual Environmental Safety Education Program

environmental safety course

Due to a variety of hazardous chemicals and apparatuses used in scientific experiments, compliance with the research safety regulations and an attention to minor details are essential for the prevention of serious accidents in the laboratory.

Therefore the SNU Institute of Environmental Protection and Safety ( has been conducting a biannual environmental safety education program in February and August for graduate students and researchers since 1996, in the effort to foster such an attentive atmosphere to safety regulations in the laboratories on campus.

A total of 810 personnel participated in the Environmental Safety Education Program offered from August 23 to 26, 2011, on both the Gwanak and Yeongeon Campuses.

For optimal educational effectiveness, students were divided into three different classes: Class A (Biology), Class B (Chemical Experiments), and Class C (Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science). Basic subjects like ‘Electrical Safety’ and ‘First Aid’ were provided as corequisites for every class, along with specialized classes for each major such as ‘Biological Safety’, ‘Radiation Safety’, and ‘Mechanical Safety’. The program was also conducted in English for international students and foreign researchers as well.

Only students receiving a passing grade or above were issued a certificate at the end of the course to induce the active participation of students, while those with exceptional performances received a commendation and a small prize.

Written by LEE Chanwoo, SNU English Editor,
Proofread by Brett Johnson, SNU English Editor,