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[Graduate School of Data Science] Neuroscience and AI Data Science Seminar

Sep 29, 2021

○ Topic: Structure, Function, and Learning in Distributed Neuronal Networks

○ Time and Date: 2021. 9. 29 (Wednesday) 09:00 ~ 10:30

○ Presenter: Dr. Suyeon Jeong (Columbia University Center for Theoretical Neuroscience)

Dr. Suyeon Jeong recieved a PhD on Applied Physics at Harvard and was a research fellow at MIT BCS (Brain and Cognitive Science). Dr. Sueyeon Jung conducts a reserach on the data processing mechanism of the brain and artificial neural network at the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia University.

○ Introduction to the topic:

The current deep learning AI is a 'blackbox' model that cannot explain the computing process in the artificail neural network. In this week's Data Science Seminar, Dr. Sueyeon Jeong explains a theoretical research on which neural structure engages in the data processing mechanism of the brain. If this is applied to AI, it is expected to contribute to solving the 'blackbox' problem through analyzing how neural network engages when AI perfroms a certain task.

○ Zoom link: