Selected Speeches

Dr. OH Se-Jungserved as the President of SNU from 2019 to 2022. These are selected speeches during his presidency.

2022 New Year’s Address

SNU students, staff, and alumni, and my fellow citizens, who cherish and love Seoul National University, the year 2022 has begun. I wish you health and happiness this year.

While I would like to begin the year with bright and hopeful words, unfortunately, the reality is that the past two years have been difficult. Our university has shared in the hardship faced by society. Students faced their second year of irregular conditions, under which some even graduated. Activities were minimal, robbing the campus of its vitality. Even under such difficult circumstances, members worked to ensure that SNU could fulfill its duties as a university, for which I am grateful.

As we continue to grapple with these conditions, I would like to make my new year’s resolutions before the people of the nation and SNU members. The regular operation of academic affairs is still greatly difficult, but we will find a way for the university to return to normal, fulfilling its regular functions and role, without waiting for the COVID-19 pandemic to subside. A university is a place allowing students to think, experiment, and fail as they desire, and it must remain open, no matter the hardship. Just as over the past two years, we shall operate the library and dormitories without restrictions and offer face-to-face classes as much as possible while doing our utmost to maintain measures preventing against the spread of the pandemic. Meanwhile, we shall expand online education, which has flourished in the non-face-to-face situation, to gradually expand the sharing of SNU knowledge and information with society.

We will also draw up an action plan appropriate to SNU’s vision of “a Community of Knowledge, Leading the Future.” For the fulfillment of SNU’s role as an institution representative of Korea’s international status, in the new year, we will finalize plans for SNU’s future development toward 2040. This future development plan will include measures for the flexible management of academic affairs, expansion of student decision-making, world-class creative research performance, and contribution to national development and humanity's co-prosperity. The Institute for Future Strategy was established last month. It will be carrying out interdisciplinary research and collecting data on Korea’s future challenges, will begin activities in earnest from the new year. In addition, we will continue efforts to increase independent finances.

A university campus encapsulates the intangible assets of a university. Every five years, SNU devises a Campus Master Plan, and this year will mark the beginning of a new one. The transformation of the campus is already underway, as exemplified in the reconstruction of the Cultural Center, Grass Plaza, and Main Gate Plaza. In particular, the newly constructed Cultural Center will be shared with the local community and serve as a wellspring of globally oriented Korean Culture.

Fellow SNU members, our society overcame all manner of difficulties and developed its capabilities to achieve a level of development others have referred to as a “miracle.” Such rapid development was not even across all social sectors, however, and the resulting antagonism and conflict is now holding us back. Just like our country, SNU also suffers from the side effects of rapid development. Even as the sense of crisis increases, indifference is also spreading. Now is the time to consider together what to change and how. As we strive to upgrade our education and support the research that might lead the world, we must also strive to raise our moral standards and sense of responsibility. A transformed SNU can also transform the country. Offering a model for our society is also part of SNU’s role and responsibility.

SNU members and alumni! In 2022, the year of the tiger, it is my sincere hope that we together overcome any problems ahead, embracing hope and passion, believing in reason and science, and moving forward with a courageous roar. Thank you.

Jan 3, 2022.
President of Seoul National University Se-Jung Oh