Selected Speeches
Dr. SUNG Nak-inserved as the President of SNU from 2014 to 2018. These are selected speeches during his presidency.
The 5th Asian Universities Forum -- Welcoming Reception
HIT: 12720
Event: Welcoming Reception of the 5th Asian Universities Forum
Date: May 11, 2016
Venue: Hoam Convention Center
Good evening, honored guests, colleagues, and friends! Welcome to Seoul, and Seoul National University.
I hope your flights were pleasant and your hotel accommodations are comfortable.
It is our great pleasure to host this year’s Asian Universities Forum. This year is a very special one because we are also celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the founding of Seoul National University this week. In this banquet hall, we have delegations from twenty three major universities from fifteen different Asian countries. What a wonderful and joyous occasion this is! Thank you all for being a part of this significant event.
The theme of our conference this year is “Educating Future Leaders with Compassion and Social Responsibility.” I hope that this forum will be informative, thought-provoking, and beneficial for all of us in attendance here.
It would be wonderful if all of you can share our enthusiasm for educating students with compassion and sense of social responsibility as a result of this forum.
Thank you all for your highly valued contributions to date and working toward creating a new vision that will guide us in our future together. Most of all, I look forward to our renewed and strengthened friendship. Hope you enjoy the dinner tonight and Thank you very much.