Selected Speeches
Dr. Leeserved as the President of SNU from 2006 to 2010. These are selected speeches during his presidency.
2008 Global University Presidents’ Summit (Oct. 13, 2008)
HIT: 10534
Welcome Speech
2008 Seoul National University Global University Presidents’ Summit
Dr. Jang-Moo Lee
President, Seoul National University
October 13, 2008
Good evening, presidents, chancellors, rectors, deans, alumni, and illustrious guests!
It is a great honor for me to welcome each and every one of you to Korea for the Global University Presidents’ Summit, held on the 62nd anniversary of the founding of Seoul National University (SNU). Traditionally, Koreans refer to fall as the season of “high skies and fat horses.” This phrase captures the beauty and bounty of the season, and I hope that you will enjoy your visit to Korea at this wonderful time of the year.
As presidents of distinguished universities, we have much bounty to share, for, together, our institutions of higher learning stand at the forefront of innovation in education and research. The 21st century has created new, often daunting, challenges, and I very much look forward to discussing how our universities are responding to these challenges.
As laboratories of knowledge creation, today’s universities have a special duty to share their wealth of knowledge with society. I hope that this summit will provide us with an opportunity to learn together as we search for new ways of meeting our social responsibilities. I strongly hope and believe that we will leave this summit with a commitment to deepen and to expand our cooperation.
One of the most important 21st-century challenges that SNU takes very seriously is that of sustainable development. As a part of our commitment to interdisciplinary research on sustainable development, we recently founded the Asia Institute of Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. An international symposium in honor of this research institute will be held on our campus tomorrow, and distinguished guests are with us here also for the festivity.
Finally, fellow presidents and prominent guests, I would like to update the Korean saying that I mentioned earlier, “high skies and fat horses,” to what I hope will be the spirit of cooperation that emerges from this summit: “high goals and deep sharing.” Thank you very much.
2008 Seoul National University Global University Presidents’ Summit
Dr. Jang-Moo Lee
President, Seoul National University
October 13, 2008
Good evening, presidents, chancellors, rectors, deans, alumni, and illustrious guests!
It is a great honor for me to welcome each and every one of you to Korea for the Global University Presidents’ Summit, held on the 62nd anniversary of the founding of Seoul National University (SNU). Traditionally, Koreans refer to fall as the season of “high skies and fat horses.” This phrase captures the beauty and bounty of the season, and I hope that you will enjoy your visit to Korea at this wonderful time of the year.
As presidents of distinguished universities, we have much bounty to share, for, together, our institutions of higher learning stand at the forefront of innovation in education and research. The 21st century has created new, often daunting, challenges, and I very much look forward to discussing how our universities are responding to these challenges.
As laboratories of knowledge creation, today’s universities have a special duty to share their wealth of knowledge with society. I hope that this summit will provide us with an opportunity to learn together as we search for new ways of meeting our social responsibilities. I strongly hope and believe that we will leave this summit with a commitment to deepen and to expand our cooperation.
One of the most important 21st-century challenges that SNU takes very seriously is that of sustainable development. As a part of our commitment to interdisciplinary research on sustainable development, we recently founded the Asia Institute of Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. An international symposium in honor of this research institute will be held on our campus tomorrow, and distinguished guests are with us here also for the festivity.
Finally, fellow presidents and prominent guests, I would like to update the Korean saying that I mentioned earlier, “high skies and fat horses,” to what I hope will be the spirit of cooperation that emerges from this summit: “high goals and deep sharing.” Thank you very much.