SNU NOW / Notice

SNU Notice

Notice /

SNU Notice

New Manual for Using SNU Wireless

The procedures for using SNU Wireless have become more efficient.
  • Those already using SNU Wireless can use it via MAC/WiFi or through the currently installed program.
  • Laptop Users
    • -In the first use, download the connecting program (Choose SSID: SNUwireless(first) )
    • -Regardless of the version of Windows, only one program will be used. It can be installed even in 64bit Windows.
  • Smartphone/iPad
    • -Login through SNU_ID (No need to register MAC/WiFi, Choose SSID: SNUwireless (windows, MacOS))

※ You may download the connecting program from
※ Further inquiries can be made at Tel: 02-880-8282.